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A member registered Aug 24, 2023

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(1 edit)

I'll admit, if using the desktop app, it actually is a much less inconvenient experience than the browser, but I'm also not really complaining about MEGA, so much as the author's choice in switching to it when the download experience was originally pretty hassle-free and fast. I mean, it was as simple as downloading the file, extracting it, and opening the executable file. Comparatively, MEGA sucks.

(And yes, I'm very appreciative to see that the author did, in fact, revert to the old system in the time I've not used this account. Thank you, Ranli)

I'm obviously not the writer, but I'm certain Connor has those eyes for a reason. Ronan has dark brown eyes that turn amber-colored when riled up or in wolf form. With just a simple google search, you can learn that Amber eyes "symbolize the radiant embrace of love". This definitely holds true to his character, and the inability he has to move on from Nick. Connor theorizes that it's because of his wolfy feelings, seeing Nick as a lifelong mate. That makes it all the better that his glowing amber eyes show up only when his werewolf instincts are tapped into. Blue eyes are known to symbolize wisdom and knowledge, which I'd say fits Connor very well. He can be the first person to open up about this world to Alex honestly, he has a go with-the-flow vibe, and it's obvious he knows a lot about Elders and their world due to his own life. His eyes are most likely unnaturally shaded to make him stick out. They have a very ethereal vibe that instantly tells the viewer he's not of this world.

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I'm just gonna put it like this: the developers need to learn the concept of choices. Bennett sleeps with anything and everything and falls for stupid tricks I wouldn't have fallen for myself. It takes away all player agency when I'm trying to have Bennett build a relationship with Allard, only for him to randomly go off and fuck Harlan.  ADD ACTUAL CHOICES. THE CHARACTER I PLAY SHOULD ONLY SLEEP WITH SOMEONE IF THAT'S WHAT I WANT. Obviously, the rape scenes taking away player agency makes sense, but factually, I should be capable of pursuing a single romance in the game. Basically, if Bennett has the capacity for conscious choice, the player should be allowed to make that choice, especially in a game revolving around sexual acts. I shouldn't have to sit through sex scenes that I don't enjoy.

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I think a titular change would actually be a disservice to the plot, because the way it's written, it immediately draws the audience into questioning the word. I feel as though it was titled, specifically, with the "!?" to draw the audience's attention and actually get them to think about how the word is being used. For instance, even in the original release, the first time Brayden uses the word, it's more implied to mean "chill with it", as in his roommate's sexuality, but the reality is that, from that moment, the audience was tricked into thinking we're watching a straight guy question his sexuality, while in reality, we're witnessing a questioning guy on his way to come to terms with his sexuality. Both Brayden and Zach are in very similar situations, with neither of them really understanding that, and being so wrapped up in their own problems that they didn't realizw the person they cared about most was going through a similar issue. That's how I perceived the story and how it relates to the tile, at least.

Why did you start going through Mega? What's the point in releasing a free game using software that requires you to pay, or wait 6 hours, to finish the download. I tried to sleep and allow the 6 hours to pass, only for the download to completely restart. Personally, I'd recommend abandoning Mega and releasing the game as you did before using such an awful service. It's basically a big screw-over to anyone who wants to continue playing, and simply can't afford a $20 subscription service or spend 6 hours of their day staring at a computer, waiting for a download to finish. Please go about the public release the same way you used to, because Mega is absolute trash that makes it an impossibility to play.